! Assisted Business Opportunity !
From the Founders Desk -
Being a First Generation Entrepreneur when I stared my first Business Venture in 2006 with no one to guide or support. I still feel that there is this need for assistance for more first generation entrepreneurs to succeed.
That time there was no Startup Culture, It was Either Job or Business and we had to Earn Revenue on Monthly Basis to Survive and Grow and No Hope for Someone to Come and Invest.
As a give back to the society I have always tried to build and support Entrepreneurs and all those who have interacted with me will vouch for it.
Today I am formally coining it as "Assisted Business Opportunity"

What is Assisted Business Opportunity ?
Assisted Business Opportunity is a opportunity for all those who have the aspiration to do business and believe in Proportional Hard Work to Reward Ratio.
Here you are doing business with Minimalistic Investment that you can easily afford ( No Third Person Borrowing ). Operating under the Wings of Established and Set Business Processes & Standard Operating Practices.
Min Investment : INR 10,000/- +(Required to have Skin in the Game)
Work : Full Time ( Business Owner )
Domain : Human Resource ( HR ) & Recruitment Assistance.
( Its Different - Not the Usual )
Company: Interview Station www.interview-station.com
Get Trained & Start your Business. - Assisted & Safe Guarded Against Business Threats. We will help you Succeed and as we Build a Unicorn for Social Benefit - Getting People Connected & Employed.